Not A Joke: Look Who UN Picked For Chair Of Human Rights Council

In a shocking display of moral bankruptcy, the United Nations General Assembly failed to pass a resolution condemning the heinous acts of terrorism committed by the Hamas terrorist group against innocent civilians. The resolution, brought forth by the United States and supported by other Western nations, aimed to denounce the rampant cases of rape, murder, torture, and kidnapping inflicted upon civilians by Hamas.

However, the UN once again proved itself to be a toothless organization, unable to muster enough votes to condemn the blatant violations of human rights committed by Hamas. Out of the 193 member states, only 87 nations voted in favor of the resolution, while 58 countries abstained from voting and 56 countries voted against it.

One of the main reasons for the failure of this resolution was the support of China, Russia, and other authoritarian regimes for Hamas. These countries have a history of turning a blind eye to human rights abuses and supporting terrorist organizations. It is clear that their allegiance to oppressive regimes and terrorist groups takes precedence over the protection of innocent civilians.

But perhaps the most alarming aspect of this vote was the support of countries like Iran, which is set to assume the chair of the UN Human Rights Commission. This is the same Iran that has a long track record of violating human rights, including the brutal suppression of women and funding of terrorist groups like Hamas. It is a clear indication of the disregard for human rights within the UN and the justification of terrorist actions by certain member states.

The failure to pass this resolution is a damning reflection of the UN’s lack of moral authority and its inability to stand up against human rights violations. It is an insult to the victims of Hamas terrorism and a betrayal of the UN’s own principles. This decision has also raised questions about the effectiveness of the UN and its relevance in addressing global issues.

As long as countries like Iran are allowed to hold positions of power within the UN, and authoritarian regimes continue to support terrorist organizations, the UN will remain a sham institution that serves the interests of a corrupt global elite. The US, as a major contributor to the UN budget, must hold the organization accountable for its actions and push for much-needed reforms to restore its credibility and moral authority.

In the meantime, the victims of Hamas terrorism will continue to suffer, and the UN’s failure to condemn these atrocities will only embolden terrorist groups and their supporters. It is high time for the UN to reassess its priorities and fulfill its mission of promoting and protecting human rights for all.

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