Holiday Decor Divides District

In the Green Bay area, a Christmas display at the National Railroad Museum has stirred controversy, with Republican Representative Mike Gallagher expressing strong criticism. The focus of his disapproval is the inclusion of a tree decorated by the Satanic Temple of Wisconsin, adorned with red lights and Satanic ornaments.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Gallagher conveyed his dissatisfaction with the museum’s response, labeling it as “insufficient.” He highlighted the museum’s assertion that the Satanic tree was an educational opportunity for children, dismissing it as “completely ridiculous” and stressing the perceived offensiveness to Christians. He went on to draw a provocative analogy, likening it to waving a Hamas flag inside a synagogue.

The National Railroad Museum’s CEO, Jacqueline Frank, defended the inclusion of the Satanic Temple of Wisconsin’s tree, as well as another from the Bay Area Council on Gender Diversity, stating that their display adheres to guidelines by not promoting hate, violence, or drug use. Frank emphasized inclusivity, asserting that the museum welcomes participants regardless of their religious affiliations or organizational ties.

Despite Frank’s explanation, Rep. Gallagher found the situation “absolutely crazy” and expressed concerns about exposing children to what he described as “Satanic trees.” He criticized local reporting as insufficient and characterized the controversy as an example of defending basic traditions against what he perceives as encroachment by “woke ideology” or “offensive, upside-down cultural propaganda.”

Gallagher concluded by highlighting what he sees as a need for vigilance among parents, stating that while Northeast Wisconsin may have seemed immune to such controversies in the past, it is essential to remain alert in the face of what he perceives as challenges to traditional values.

The controversy surrounding the Christmas display, featuring trees from various organizations, reflects a broader debate on the balance between inclusivity and the preservation of traditional values in public spaces.

Daily Wire

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