Goldman Apologizes For Comment

In a recent MSNBC interview with Jen Psaki, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) discussed former President Donald Trump’s statements regarding the January 6th Capitol riot. The conversation centered on Trump’s assertion in an ABC interview that he had wanted to go to the Capitol during the events but was discouraged by the Secret Service. An MSNBC chyron framed this as “New audio: Trump says he wanted to join Jan. 6 crowd,” which some argue may have misconstrued Trump’s intended message.

Goldman, during the interview, took a critical stance on Trump’s rhetoric, characterizing it as dangerous. He expressed concern about Trump’s fitness for public office, stating, “It is just unquestionable at this point that that man cannot see public office again. He is not only unfit. He is destructive to our democracy. He has to be, he has to be eliminated.” This statement has generated a reaction from various quarters, with some interpreting it as a potential threat.

Goldman and Psaki were talking about an interview former President Donald Trump had with ABC’s Jonathan Karl. In that interview, Trump told Karl that he had wanted to go up to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot to try to stop what was going on. But Trump said the Secret Service discouraged that. The MSNBC chyron at the bottom of the screen framed that as “New audio: Trump says he wanted to join Jan. 6 crowd,” which miscasts what Trump said.

The comment gained attention beyond the initial broadcast, as it was shared widely on social media platforms. Critics argue that such language could have unintended consequences, particularly in a polarized political climate.

Following the public reaction, Rep. Goldman attempted to clarify his remarks, suggesting that he had used the “wrong word” and emphasizing the need for a more measured discourse. Despite the clarification, some individuals remained skeptical, questioning the appropriateness of the initial statement.

Red State 

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