Shortly After Angering The Twitter Mob, Bette Midler Has Now Angered Islamist Sympathizers

Bette Midler, a well-known singer, recently found herself in trouble with the far left, for the second time in as many days, when her attempt to throw an insult at the United States Supreme Court blew up in her face in quite a spectacular show.

Midler has been angrily denouncing the High Court’s 6-3 decision about Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — which in turn sparked a 5-4 decision overturning the landmark abortion cases Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey — since it originally went public in June, and this past Tuesday was no exception.

The social media post that sparked quite a bit of outrage was a group picture of the SCOTUS justices, with all of them but the most liberal three — Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and the since-retired Stephen Breyer — photoshopped to look like they were members of the Taliban, the medieval Islamic fundamentalist group that has managed to regain control of Afghanistan in the wake of President Joe Biden’s horrendously handled pullout of the American military from the country.

Midler was definitely not the first person to make the comparison. Another world-renowned singer, Barbra Streisand, labeled the Court as “the American Taliban” in the wake of the decision going public, and singer Patti LuPone posited, “What is the difference between the Taliban and the Christian Right? I’ll now add the Supreme Court. America is on her knees.”

Quite quickly after the star of “Hocus Pocus” posted her tweet, the mob once again boiled up after her, asking why she couldn’t issue her complaints concerning the court without resorting to using Muslims as a way to insult them. One prominent member of the angry mob was Marc Lamont Hill, a professor at Temple University who was terminated from CNN in 2018 due to far-reaching accusations of antisemitism.

“Wow. Bette Midler is on a roll this week. From transphobic to Islamophobic,” taunted Hill, who is known to have given a speech in front of the UN in which he claimed that Israel wanted an “ethnic cleansing” and called for the end of Israel “from the river to the sea,” a turn of phrase taken directly from terrorist Hamas leaders.

Another person from the extreme-leftist group also objected to using the Taliban as a metaphor for extremism, despite the fact that the terror group is quite known for its policies of brutality and its extreme oppression of women.

“Can’t you people ever fight extremism without being Islamophobic? Muslims aren’t your rhetorical tool.” exclaimed author Laila Lalami.

“Your friendly local Muslim & lawyer AGAIN reminding you that Islam permits abortion for a variety of reasons & keeps that healthcare decision between a woman & her loved ones & doctor,” claimed Qasim Rashid in a post. “Stop using our faith as your punchline. Call this for what it is—100% ‘Christian’ nationalism.”

“It’s Christian Nationalism. This is homegrown. No need to denigrate Islam and Muslims for this extremism. Stop making us the pinata and bogeyman please. Also, traditionally, Sharia allows for abortion up to the first 4 months and makes exceptions for the woman’s health,” tweeted Wajahat Ali.

“Bette Midler was like, ‘well I did transphobia yesterday, so maybe I’ll go with racism today,'” stated another Twitter user.

“Can y’all find a way to critique Christian nationalism without being islamophobic?” another stated. “Bette, it’s tired. If you can’t find a way to be ‘liberal’ without throwing minorities under the bus, you are doing it very wrong. Give it a rest.”

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